Have you ever wondered, Why does it take so long to build an app? Since building an app is a highly definite task with very minute processes comprising loads of known and unknown information.
What is the whole process? Suppose we are starting from scratch and expanding up to market reach, the whole process is compiled up in 4 phases.
1. To Discover (performing detailed market research, Learning about the product specifications, ballpark cost & estimating the time)
2. Implement Designing (Advancement of UX/UI, web developer guidance, cost for reevaluation & time estimation)
3. Practising Engineering (merging the previous phases & practicing engineering on the product)
4. Evaluating via Scaling (approval for storing app, data analysis, Insights of post-release, tracking the key performance indicator (KPI) of the built product)
There are a bountiful of requirements you require. Starting from customized designs to serve your audience. A well-developed smooth-running development process and a successful release. In addition to this, an accurate decision taken with prompt action response is a necessity. Still, all these requirements must be counted as your finish goals. At first, you need to know the details of the issue, and a pathway to the correct solution.
Now, here you require the Discovery Phase. Let’s know what it implies.
DISCOVERY: Phase Where researches are defined experiments get tested
The two major elements gave rise to the actual practice of discovering. These two elements are experience and necessity. Some clients have been watched wasting their time by executing the product before actually defining the problem. But we can help you out. How? Well from our past projects we have gained certain skills required for asking the right questions, and to open up the right solutions.
We can provide you guidance to your every unique problem. As we understand every client is different, so is his idea and situation.
This is why it comes down to the idea of collaboration. We keep on finding what you have and don’t have, together. We build objectives together. And only then we move forward when we both are fully capable of understanding the situation and are confident.
All this can be done by practicing communication. For this, we initiate asking and answering questions, such as:
- What do we mean by the target audience? (What are your thoughts on that? What should it be? And, what will it be? )
- What must be the first version of the product we must have? (It depends upon the immediate needs of the targeted audience & for sure, the product’s USP.)
- How can we bring evolution to this product? (By getting ready with the backend infrastructure for handling all the possible future iterations & scenarios.)
- Are people actually in need of this product? (Know whether the demand is strong enough for the development to value it?)
Everything we ask, test and do should lead us to the following queries:
1. What can be the main objective of this product?
2. Who is it targeting?
3. Are they surely going to use it exactly the way we think they will?
The answer to all such questions is majorly a guess. Working only the guesswork results in app failure.
Would you like to discuss how we can help you with app discovery phase? Reach out.
Do you prefer having even more information? If Yes, here we’re enlisting the details of what you might expect as the outcome of the Discovery Phase at Kormoan.
Phase 1 It starts by having an idea and terminates only when you are carrying a Full Product Toolkit, so find out what is in this kit.
What’s generally found in the toolkit?
- Overview on product & market
- Overview on user personas overview
- Overview on a tech stack
- About the product specifications
- Estimation of time & cost
What does the kit work?
The kit ensures providing the specific details based on specific project demands. Its primary focus is on the discovery phase to claim your idea as a feasible solution for the problem, market, and target audience. In a way, it helps in preparing you for the development and also makes sure that time is not wasted during the execution.
Various Objectives can go from assumptions to realistic expectations, which demands a specific cost and time estimation. It can help you out in improving your project’s probability of success. As the number of apps hitting the market constantly, you desire its probability to be as high as possible.
Whom you will be working with?
There is a properly structured team that will ensure that all the requirements must be provided and the process will go forward seamlessly. The team members depend on the specific project. It includes a designer who can surely join the team either straight away, or following a few meetings. The PM will guide the designer by providing ideas of the right look, direction, logistics, and the required flow. If required there will be the presence of software architecture. The team makes the entire process run as quickly as possible by getting the product details right.
Point to be noted: Above four phases involve open communication with the client. Although after getting all the answers during the phases, keeping the client closer while approaching the project process is the only way to guarantee we deliver the right solution for you.
Admit it, your idea of action might keep on changing
…And that’s perfectly fine.
Most of the time you might have to face the situation where after weeks of user testing, interviews, and research it results that users don’t want the product that is on a way of processing. To tackle the situation, we discuss possible alternatives. We go through the information that might be left uncovered, we examine your users’ target audience’s insights and we try to observe if there’s any capability for pivoting to a different idea.
Being realistic, you need to understand that there’s nowhere to go after the discovery phase, it’s still a success. Instead of wasting thousands or even millions of dollars on something that might have ended up in the dumping grounds of failed apps, you make use of a significantly smaller portion of resources to discover that it will not work. And now you can proceed with what will.
If you have come this far, check out our Phase2: Design article.